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- Japan
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- Human Rights Watch World Report 1992
- Asia Watch: Japan
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- <p>Human Rights Developments
- </p>
- <p> Asia Watch in 1991 directed its attention in Japan to the
- treatment of Chinese dissidents and the use of Japanese
- economic and diplomatic leverage to promote human rights in
- Asia. Our primary concern continued to be Chinese dissidents who
- were in Japan at the time of the June 4, 1989 crackdown in
- Beijing or who later fled to Japan. (According to Japan's
- Justice Ministry, 2,844 Chinese have arrived illegally in Japan
- since the Beijing massacre. Of these, 2,381 have been deported.
- In addition, it is estimated that there were approximately
- 15,000 Chinese students studying in Japan at the time of the
- massacre. Another 48,000 were in language schools--the largest
- number in any country outside of China.) Although the Japanese
- government promised at a 1989 summit of industrial nations in
- Paris that it would offer refuge to dissidents who feared
- persecution if returned to China, it has not granted political
- asylum to a single Chinese dissident. Instead of offering
- blanket coverage to those wishing to review their visas, the
- government adopted a case-by-case approach and left it to
- immigration officials to make the decisions. With one prominent
- exception, the government did display more flexibility in
- dealing with Chinese visa applicants whose cases became the
- subject of international publicity and domestic pressure.
- </p>
- <p> The exception was the case of Lin Guizhen, a democracy
- activist from Fujian Province who entered Japan in September
- 1989 and was forcibly repatriated to Shanghai on August 14,
- 1991. The deportation came on the last day of a high-profile
- visit to Beijing by then-Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu. Lin was
- sent back despite two lawsuits pending in the Japanese courts
- related to her claim for refugee status. Sixty-one other Chinese
- deemed to be "economic refugees" were deported simultaneously.
- </p>
- <p> Lin claimed that she had participated in pro-democracy
- demonstrations in Fukishu city in June 1989 and then fled from
- China in a boat with 230 other Chinese. Upon arrival in Japan,
- she applied for political asylum. Her application was rejected
- in June 1990 as was a subsequent appeal, despite her lawyers'
- argument that she was in danger of persecution in China. She
- was deported after the Supreme Court upheld a lower-court
- decision, although further appeals were still pending. (Lin was
- deported after a Supreme Court ruling on October 9, 1990
- upholding a lower-court interlocutory decision rejecting her
- appeal for suspension of deportation. However, at the time of
- her expulsion, two lawsuits were still pending at the
- district-court level, one seeking cancellation of the
- deportation order and the other pressing her application for
- refugee status. Her attorneys have indicated that they intend
- to pursue the matter in her absence.) Lin's sudden deportation
- provoked an international outcry. (For example, The New York
- Times gave her deportation prominent coverage. Steven Weisman,
- "Japan Deports Chinese but Others Are Hopeful," August 18,
- 1991.) Japanese civil liberties groups complained to the United
- Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that Japan's
- action had violated the 1951 Refugee Convention, which Japan
- ratified in 1982.
- </p>
- <p> (Under Article 35 of the convention, Japan is obligated to
- cooperate with the UNHCR. In 1987, the Executive Committee of
- the UNHCR recommended that an applicant "should be permitted
- to remain in the country while an appeal to a higher
- administrative authority or to the courts is pending."
- </p>
- <p> The UNHCR's role in the case is unclear. Justice Ministry
- officials say that the UNHCR interviewed Lin and found her
- unqualified for refugee status. But in a Tokyo news conference
- on August 20, Sadako Ogata, the UNHCR commissioner, expressed
- concern about the precipitous action taken by the immigration
- authorities.)
- </p>
- <p> Asia Watch protested the deportation and urged Japan to
- monitor Lin's welfare after her return to China. Japanese
- authorities have cited assurances from Chinese officials given
- to their Embassy in Beijing. A letter to Asia Watch from the
- Japanese Embassy in Washington stated that the Chinese
- government had reported that "soon after Lin arrived in
- Shanghai, she was taken by her family and she is now living
- peacefully with them." The same letter also declared, "No legal
- action against her has been taken by the Chinese government."
- Similar statements have appeared in the Japanese press. However,
- it has been impossible to verify China's assurances
- independently. The Japanese government has indicated that it
- intends to monitor Lin's status periodically, but there is no
- indication that it has access to her.
- </p>
- <p> In June 1991, Japan shifted its method of dealing with a
- number of cases of Chinese living in the country prior to June
- 1989. For the first time, a provision in the immigration law
- under which a person may be granted legal residency status "by
- reason of special circumstances" was applied to Chinese
- dissidents. (Under the so-called "designated activities" clause
- of the Immigration Control and Refugee Act of 1990, residency
- status may be granted "due to special circumstances that have
- developed in the country of his nationality." The grounds on
- which this status is given are extremely vague. The provision
- effectively allows immigration officials to grant extended
- visas to certain individuals without categorizing them as
- political refugees or extending blanket visas to entire
- categories of people.) The visa is given for six months at a
- time and is renewable; although it does not specifically permit
- the person to work, those who obtain it generally have been
- allowed to seek employment. The government granted this status
- to Chen Shisen, a student living in Tokyo since September 1987
- who feared persecution in China because of his pro-democracy
- activities as a member of the Japanese branch of the Federation
- for Democracy in China (FDC).
- </p>
- <p> On October 9, 1991, a visa was granted under the same
- provision to Zhao Nan, a prominent Chinese dissident who had
- been denied political asylum on March 7. Zhao asserted that he
- was at risk of "brutal punishment" if returned to China against
- his will, both because he was president of the FDC chapter in
- Japan and because he had been politically active in China
- beginning in 1978. Following the arrest of Democracy Wall
- activist Wei Jingsheng in 1979, Zhao had edited Wei's
- pro-democracy journal. For his peaceful political activities,
- Zhao was imprisoned without trial in a Chinese labor camp from
- 1982 to 1984. He came to Japan in September 1988 and had his
- visa renewed three times before a renewal request was denied and
- immigration authorities ordered him to leave the country late
- in 1990. Despite his well-founded fear of persecution, the
- Justice Ministry refused to grant him political asylum on narrow
- technical grounds, asserting that he had missed a filing
- deadline. A lawsuit filed in June 1991 challenging the decision
- is still pending.
- </p>
- <p> A lawyers group working on behalf of Chinese students issued
- a public appeal following the decision in Chen's case, urging
- the government to grant the same status to at least twenty-two
- other dissidents they represented. The lawyers had lobbied the
- Justice Ministry and petitioned publicly on the students'
- behalf, and the government's action on Chen was viewed in part
- as a response to the pressure they had generated. (The Lawyers'
- Group for Protecting Human Rights of Chinese Students is headed
- by Hideo Fuji, a former president of the Japan Federation of
- Bar Associations.) By the end of November, fourteen people had
- been given such status.
- </p>
- <p> It is unclear whether this special status will be extended
- indefinitely and how broadly it will be applied. This
- uncertainty is a product of the Japanese government's
- conflicting desires to avoid both offending the Chinese
- government by granting formal asylum with the implicit statement
- that a well-founded fear of persecution has been demonstrated
- and incurring the international criticism that has attended its
- return to China of dissidents who are likely to face such
- persecution.
- </p>
- <p>Japanese Foreign Aid and Human Rights
- </p>
- <p> In 1991, Japan began to address the question of how it might
- effectively use its economic power as one of the world's
- largest aid donors to exert a positive influence on behalf of
- human rights, especially in Asia. For the first time,
- government officials at the highest level spelled out criteria
- for Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) program that
- included an emphasis on human rights. (In 1989, Japan became the
- world's largest donor of official foreign aid, disbursing over
- $8 billion. In 1990, ODA loans and grants totaled over $9
- billion but, due to exchange rate fluctuations, Japan ranked
- second in the world, after the United States; approximately
- two-thirds of the Japanese funds went to Asian countries.
- Figures for 1991 are not yet available.)
- </p>
- <p> On April 10, Prime Minister Kaifu gave a speech in the Diet
- the Japanese parliament--in which he said that Japan's ODA
- policy would take into consideration the recipient countries'
- "efforts for promoting democratization and...securing basic
- human rights and freedom," as well as other criteria such as the
- volume of arms sales and imports. (Although it was announced in
- 1991, the new ODA policy had been under consideration at least
- since 1990. A Foreign Ministry "white paper" on ODA was
- circulated internally in October 1990 and published in the
- ministry's 1990 Annual Report. It referred to sweeping reforms
- in Eastern Europe and their "major influence on freedom and
- democracy movements in other parts of the world." The white
- paper quoted a policy statement of the Development Assistance
- Committee of donor nations on the "vital connection between
- open, democratic and accountable political systems and
- individual rights and the effective and equitable operation of
- economic systems." The white paper provided no hint of how the
- policy would be implemented other than to say: "The extent to
- which Japan emphasizes such political values as democracy and
- respect for human rights in its aid activities from now on is
- a question that will need to be debated in depth, taking into
- account the fact that the processes of democratization may vary
- from country to country.") A similar point had been made in
- February by Japan's delegate to the U.N. Human Rights Commission
- in Geneva, who declared that "as a nation that regards freedom
- and democracy as goals toward which all countries should strive,
- Japan...cannot remain insensitive to the human rights situation
- of a recipient country."
- </p>
- <p> Depending on how it is applied, the new ODA policy could
- move Japan toward making an enormously significant contribution
- to enhancing human rights protection in Asia. But in
- implementing the policy thus far, Japan's actions regarding two
- important countries, Burma and China, have been inconsistent.
- </p>
- <p> In its 1990 Annual Report, published in March 1991, the
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed to Burma as an example of
- a country in which Japan's aid had been "appreciably affected"
- by the 1988 democratization movement and by the subsequent
- military crackdown. In fact, Japan had used its aid program to
- send decidedly mixed signals to the military government in
- Rangoon, apparently trying to maintain good relations while
- exerting some pressure on behalf of human rights and political
- reform.
- </p>
- <p> In July 1991, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it
- would continue to restrict economic ties with Burma by not
- approving any new ODA assistance beyond what was committed prior
- to 1987. The ministry said this policy would remain in effect
- until principal opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyui was released
- from house arrest, basic human rights were respected, and a
- transfer to civilian rule was completed. However, in 1989 Japan
- resumed disbursement of aid-related projects which had been
- approved prior to 1987. (This included five continuing-grant
- projects totaling 9.2 billion yen, of which sixty-five percent
- had already been disbursed, and nineteen loan projects totaling
- 125 billion yen, of which only twenty percent had been paid
- out.) In its July statement, the Foreign Ministry rejected any
- suggestion that Japan impose further economic sanctions,
- including trade sanctions on Burma, as the United States had
- done. (Kyodo, July 22, 1991.) But toward the end of 1991, there
- were indications that Japan might consider adopting a sanctions
- policy. Michio Watanabe, who was appointed foreign minister by
- the new prime minister, Kiichi Miyazawa, urged Rangoon to make
- human rights improvements and respect the May 1990 election
- results or "they will duly have no alternative but to suffer
- sanctions from the international community." (Kyodo, November
- 5, 1991.)
- </p>
- <p> In regard to China, Japan's aid policy in 1991 seemed to be
- directly at odds with its pronouncements on ODA and human
- rights. Tokyo decided in September to provide 130 billion yen
- ($965 million) of ODA for the year ending March 31, 1992. This
- money was part of an 810 billion yen infrastructure loan package
- agreed to in 1988 for the fiscal years 1990 to 1995. Until
- November 1990, the loans had been frozen in conjunction with a
- package of economic sanctions imposed by the Group of 7
- industrial countries.
- </p>
- <p> The decision on funding followed an August 10-13 trip to
- Beijing by Prime Minister Kaifu, the first by the leader of a
- major industrial power since the June 1989 massacre. During the
- visit, Kaifu announced the Japanese government's plans to give
- the desperately needed loans, repeating his assertion (made in
- various international fora over the past two years) that Japan
- was anxious not to "isolate" China. In a meeting with Chinese
- Prime Minister Li Peng, Kaifu mentioned that the international
- community had a strong interest in seeing respect for human
- rights in China. He reportedly added: "I hope you will
- introduce reforms in the political field as well as the economic
- field." (Kyodo, August 10, 1991.) Whatever impact this mild
- rebuke on behalf of human rights might have had on China's
- leaders was outweighed by the international legitimacy bestowed
- on them by Kaifu's visit and the promise of further aid without
- specific human rights conditions attached.
- </p>
- <p>The Right to Monitor
- </p>
- <p> Human rights groups in Japan function freely and without
- government restriction or harassment.
- </p>
- <p>U.S. Policy
- </p>
- <p> Asia Watch urged the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo to express
- concern to Japanese authorities about the specific cases of Zhao
- Nan and Lin Guizhen, as well as the broader issue of Japan's
- international commitments regarding Chinese dissidents.
- Although no public U.S. statement was made, U.S. officials in
- Japan told Asia Watch that the Japanese government was well
- aware of the strong views of the U.S. government on this subject
- and that the United States would continue to emphasize that no
- one with a well-founded fear of persecution should be forcibly
- returned to China.
- </p>
- <p>The Work of Asia Watch
- </p>
- <p> Asia Watch sent a delegation to Tokyo in February 1991 to
- continue a dialogue begun the previous year with government
- officials, nongovernmental organizations, representatives of
- the business community and others regarding Japan's domestic
- and foreign human rights policies. Following the mission, Asia
- Watch representatives met with Japanese Embassy officials in
- Washington to discuss the issues raised in Tokyo.
- </p>
- <p> In May, two prominent members of the Japanese Diet visited
- Washington, and Asia Watch helped to arrange meetings with
- members of Congress on a range of issues including human
- rights. The same month, a U.S.-based official of the Japanese
- Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund, the agency which handles the
- ODA program, met with Asia Watch as part of an investigation
- ordered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The inquiry was
- sparked by a Japanese media account of an Asia Watch report
- citing Chinese government documents that referred to a fiscal
- year 1988 ODA loan to China used for technological improvements
- at a prison factory involved in exports. The factory had been
- identified by Asia Watch as one using forced labor to make
- products for export. The Japanese Embassy informed Asia Watch
- of the results of its inquiry in December. (The Embassy stated
- that according to Chinese officials, the Japanese loan was
- re-extended to the Xin-Sheng (New Life) Sewing Factory for the
- purchase of new machines. The factory, it said, is part of a
- group of four "final user" factories, in which "no convicts of
- any offense, political or otherwise, are working." The April
- Asia Watch report quotes Chinese government documents describing
- this group of factories as a joint venture combining
- manufacturing and trading, in which a prison enterprise, the New
- Life Cotton Mill, is the leading component and export arm.)
- </p>
- <p> Later in the year, summaries of several Asia Watch reports
- were translated into Japanese and distributed to policymakers,
- nongovernmental organizations and media contacts in Japan.
- </p>
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